

Completed Projects

The Nature of Society – 33rd Congress of the German Sociological Association in Kassel, October 9-13, 2006.

Contribution to the meeting of the section “Sociology and Ecology”. … Read More

Radical innovation

The research project is a semantic as well as a methodological task: Semantically, it requires the development of criteria for the evaluation of the radicality of ideas by which the existing and the new can be sharply distinguished. … Read More

Authors’ Workshop: Indicators of the New. Innovation as social technology or social methodology?

The workshop took place on 24th and 25th of June 2010 in Berlin … Read More

ISInova Workshop: Indicators of Innovation – Innovation as an Indicator

Understanding of existing concepts and the possibility of developing powerful indicators … Read More

ISInova Workshop: Determinants of Innovation – Indicators, Assessments and Concepts

Assessment of existing concepts and the possibility of developing powerful indicators … Read More

ISInova participation in the INST conference: KCTOS: Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies

Jens Aderhold chairs the section entitled “Elites as Guiders or ‘Social Parasites’? On the Sociocultural Significance of Elite Action in Social Transformation Processes.” … Read More

Section “Dominating Innovation Discourses between Social Relevance and Ignorance” at the conference “Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies (IRICS) in Vienna, December 9-11, 2005.

Texts published in TRANS 16 … Read More

Workshop: BDS-Workshop Innovation

The Stuttgart regional group of the Professional Association of German Sociologists (BDS) organized another workshop last September with the active participation of ISInova, which again focused on the concept of innovation and related practical problems … Read More

New theater different

Against the background of the current determination of the place of theater in society under the keyword “repoliticization,” these efforts are examined using the prominent example of the Berlin “Schaubühne” as an example. … Read More


From 2012 ISInova has developed the Azubi|Academy for Heckert GmbH, Chemnitz. In the trainings of the Azubi|Academy, in addition to the vocational training, essential social and methodical competences for a successful start into the apprenticeship and the work at Heckert are taught … Read More