


Sustainable consumption through social innovations – concepts and practice

Zeitraum June 2012 – November 2013



The research project will be conducted at the Institut für Sozialinnovation from June 1, 2012 to November 30, 2013. The aim is to tap the potential of social innovations to promote sustainable consumption in environmental policy.

The project focuses on the development of a typology of social innovations and a practice-oriented guideline for action. Within the framework of workshops, strategic alliances on social innovations are supported and promoted through dialogue with experts, multipliers and social pioneers.

The project is managed by the Institut für Sozialinnovation e.V. (ISInova). Cooperation partners are the Center for Technology and Society at the TU Berlin (ZTG) and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW). The project was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The final report has been available since the end of 2014.

Contact: Jana Rückert-John (

Project flyer

Discussion paper

In the context of the project, the BzS No. 11 – Jana Rückert-John, Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Martina Schäfer, Jens Aderhold, René John: Social innovation for sustainable consumption was created PDF-Download (ca. 450 KB)

Results brochure “Social innovations on the rise. A guide to promoting social innovations for sustainable consumption”

The brochure can be downloaded from the website of the Federal Environment Agency and can also be ordered there – here …

Press Release …

The final report “Sustainable Consumption through Social Innovation – Concepts and Practice” can be downloaded as a pdf document here.


Dr. René John takes part in the Wertstatt discussion “Mine? Yours! Sharing makes happy! Sharing Economy: Shared Spaces and Sustainable Mobility” on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014, at 6:00 p.m.

Satellite Office (U-Bhf. Stadtmitte), Friedrichstraße 200, 10117 Berlin



Dr. Jana Rückert-John will present the project at the 2nd National Resources Forum organized by the Federal Environment Agency and the VDI in Berlin on November 12, 2014. More here …


with the title “Potentials of Social Innovation for Sustainable Consumption” at the international conference “The new Politics of Lifestyle. Consumer Participation On/Offline” at the University of Siegen on 23/24. of September by René John


at the 6th Consumer Research Workshop of the Consumer Research Competence Center (KVF) NRW in Düsseldorf on March 24, 2014 about the project results of Jana Rückert-John and Melanie Jäger-Erben.


Presentation event “Social Innovations on the Rise – A Guide to Promoting Social Innovations for Sustainable Consumption”.

on September 26, 2013, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Center for Technology and Society, Hardenbergstraße 16-18, 10623 Berlin, Germany

Community consumption, “using instead of owning”, urban gardening and citizen energy cooperatives – these and similar trends in consumption are currently on everyone’s lips. They can be described as social innovations that seek to change current problematic forms of economic activity and consumption through alternatives.

How can such innovations and their effect on change be systematically promoted and strengthened? This is the question addressed by the project “Sustainable Consumption through Social Innovation – Concepts and Practice” commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency.

The results are summarized in an action guide for multipliers and promoters in the field of sustainable consumption and social innovation, which was presented on 26.9.2013.

Representatives of ministries, associations and foundations were invited. A variety of practical examples of social innovation were also presented at an exhibition.

Program of the event

Welcome speech by the President of the Federal Environment Agency Jochen Flasbarth

Presentation of the project

Press release ISInova e.V. and ZTG Berlin


This was reported by Deutschlandfunk on March 27, 2014: Adalbert Siniawski and Michael Roehl: From Culture and Social Sciences

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