As part of the funding guideline “The digital municipality – supporting interactive, participatory and data-driven planning processes”, the project consortium is researching the participatory involvement of children and young people in hybrid municipal planning processes using a gamified mixed reality platform. The aim of the interdisciplinary and participatory joint project is to develop a low-threshold methodology including digital tools in a participatory manner with all actors involved, which enables the municipality to regularly carry out master planning from the perspective of children and young people and ensures technical transferability into the planning software of the specialised offices. With sub-project 3 “Administration as an innovative ecosystem”, ISInova is particularly interested in the question of how the impulses brought in by the digital participation tool can be connected to the administration and its subject-specific decision-making processes in such a way that they are taken up as potentials and opportunities in administrative action. The focus is on analysing the innovative capacity of the administration in terms of organisational structure and the extent to which it can build an enabling structure open to change for the development of innovative impulses. Click here for the project page at the Pankow district office.
Subproject in the EmpHyRes network
Zeitraum October 2023 – September 2026
Auftraggeber Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Kooperationspartner Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (Koordinatorin), Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, 3pc GmbH, FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. (FCZB)
Weitere Projekte
August 2024 – February 2025
Against the backdrop of demographic developments and social change, the aim is to raise awareness among politicians and the media of the economic and social importance of communal catering and the out-of-home market. The aim of this study is to shed light on the central role of these sectors using current figures and data.
November 2022 – October 2025
Within the framework of the guideline for the funding of projects on the topic of "Exploring Regional Factors for Innovation and Change - Strengthening Societal Innovative Capacity" under the funding measure "REGION.innovativ", the project consortium is researching transformative capacities, i.e. the societal capacity based on various innovations and the activation of regional innovation systems to initiate and shape transformation processes.
October 2023 – September 2026
As part of the funding guideline "The digital municipality - supporting interactive, participatory and data-driven planning processes", the project consortium is researching the participatory involvement of children and young people in hybrid municipal planning processes using a gamified mixed reality platform.