At the beginning of July 2012, the project “Social Innovations and Conducive Forms of Governance in the Social Transformation Process” was launched. The aim is to further systematize knowledge about social innovations and, based on this, to develop suitable, novel governance strategies to promote social innovations.
The project follows an exploratory approach. The systematization and typification of social innovations is based on literature and Internet research as well as selected expert interviews. To develop new governance strategies, cooperative policy models of state and civil society initiatives are reconstructed and taken up for further development.
The Institut für Sozialinnovation e.V. (ISInova) is cooperating on the project with the Center for Technology and Society at the TU Berlin, which is responsible for project management. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA).
Contact: Jens Aderhold, Jana Rückert-John (
Research Report “Experimental Space: City. Good Governance for Social Innovations on the Way to Sustainability Transformation”. at UBA or on the project at the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB) as pdf-document
Conference “New forms of governance for a sustainable transformation of society”.
on October 14/15, 2013 at the ZTG of the TU Berlin.
Sustainable development requires new forms of governance. Although the necessity of corresponding social transformation processes has been widely recognized, questions of their content and sociopolitical design are still relatively in their infancy. There is an emphatic discussion on how the transformation of society in the direction of sustainable development can be conceptualized, designed and socially achieved. It is unclear which institutional and structural changes as well as political frameworks are required for this. Are the existing instruments of social governance sufficient or do new forms of governance need to be created?
Starting from this question, the conference is dedicated to the analysis of political and institutional design possibilities as well as conducive conditions and existing barriers for new forms of governance. Thereupon, concrete requirements of sustainable development are to be compared with existing problem-solving capacities and new design options are to be explored.
Scientists, decision-makers and representatives of associations were all invited to the conference.
Contact: Jens Aderhold, Jana Rückert-John (
Call for Papers: Tagung “Neue Governance-Formen”
Program: Programm_Tagung “Neue Governance-Formen”
Report at Berlin Sciences