

Scientific night café on the future city of Magdeburg

Duration November 2015 – November 2015

Project manager Dr. René John


Cooperation partner

Social innovations such as car sharing, upcycling, swap meets, do-it-yourself platforms or urban gardening are also messengers of sustainable consumption. How do such ideas come about? Dr. René John discussed together with Ralf Weigt, Spielwagen e.V., Urban Gardening Magdeburg with Magdeburg citizens

Social innovations such as car sharing, upcycling, swap meets, do-it-yourself platforms or urban gardening are also messengers of sustainable consumption. How do such ideas come about? Are social innovations the solution for sustainable consumption in the future? Who is behind the ideas that eventually become commonplace? How can sustainable consumption also be promoted in Magdeburg?

Dr. René John discussed together with Ralf Weigt, Spielwagen e.V., Urban Gardening Magdeburg with Magdeburg citizens.

The participation is free of charge!


November 5, 2015
19:00 – 20:30

Event location:

City Hall Magdeburg
Alter Markt
39104 Magdeburg

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