


Realizing Impact – Radical Innovations Follow-up Project

Zeitraum January 2016 – January 2020

Auftraggeber BMBF

Kooperationspartner Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation beim IAO sowie dem Institut für Rechtsmedizin Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation at the IAO and the Institut für Rechtsmedizin Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, funded by the BMBF (2016-2019).

The aim of the project is to develop measures, methods and tools to promote the emergence of radical innovations in the interaction between the various actors in an innovation system and within organizations. These innovations, which represent a radical break with conventional structures, cannot be created in day-to-day business. In order to test and further develop the developed measures, methods and tools, they are applied in the field of health prevention for refugees.

Subproject 2, for which ISInova is responsible, is developing a tool to identify the radical potential of ideas and to control the typically risky decision-making processes that follow. The tool is implemented computer-based. This project continues the work of the exploratory project “Radical Innovation”. Here you can find the project flyer.

Contact: René John (

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October 2023 – September 2026

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November 2022 – October 2025

Within the framework of the guideline for the funding of projects on the topic of "Exploring Regional Factors for Innovation and Change - Strengthening Societal Innovative Capacity" under the funding measure "REGION.innovativ", the project consortium is researching transformative capacities, i.e. the societal capacity based on various innovations and the activation of regional innovation systems to initiate and shape transformation processes.